Watch Episodes, Season 4 Online Streaming

Episodes, Season 4

Episodes, Season 4 Streaming

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2015-01-11
  • Vote: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 9

Description :

At the start of the fourth season, Matt faces a financial crisis and is forced to make some tough decisions. Matt, being Matt, will likely make the wrong ones. Sean and Beverly have been dragged back to LA to shoot more episodes of their disastrous sitcom Pucks!. Meanwhile, their other project The Opposite of Us refuses to go away. And there’s a new head of the network who will, in all likelihood, make life more complicated for everyone. In season four of EPISODES, fortunes are lost, hearts are broken, egos are crushed, careers are ruined, sex tapes are revealed, and large amounts of vodka are consumed. Just another day in Hollywood.

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